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The Power of Being Seen

I love coaching. What doesn’t come as naturally to me is creating a website to talk about my coaching. So in the fall of 2020 I asked my husband for help. While he is not a web designer (brilliant archaeologist and data scientist) he had some experience (far more than I did) and he wanted to help.

I truly didn’t know what I wanted the website to look like or feel like. He worked off of a document that had been a first attempt to describe myself as a coach. After many hours of work, he showed me what he had created. He had done a great job turning my document into a website and it was not what I wanted. I felt terrible.

I took a deep breath, told him I was sorry, that I appreciated everything he had done. He didn’t get upset, he just asked me to tell him more about what I was hoping for. I shared some ideas, we had a couple of long conversations, less conversations and more me talking and him listening.

On Christmas Eve, he asked me to come into his office and showed me what he had created. I was dumbfounded. It wasn’t just that the pictures were amazing (all his by the way). It was that I felt seen. It captured me…..including things that made me laugh outloud.

I was viscerally reminded about the powerful gift of truly being seen. It allows us to feel complete, to see ourselves through other’s eyes, to feel connected at the deepest levels.

My husband has always seen all of me, including the parts I tried to keep hidden. Which has been both wonderful and terrifying. I wouldn’t be who or where I am without him.

Besides saying thank you – I wanted to share the support team he created for me….and hope it makes you laugh as much as I did.

SOCKS THE CAT – OSHA Compliance Manager
JS Cat – C(a)TO
Marriam Hempleworth – Staff Physical Trainer
Hammerie Blitzstorm – Security