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Helping People
Imagine and Create
New Possibilities

Why Engage with a Coach?

"It Only Seems Impossible Until It's Done" Nelson Mandela

Growing Into A New Opportunity

Exciting transitions like a promotion or a new position often require you to build new capabilities, discover new levels of confidence and see yourself from different perspective. A coach can accelerate your development.

Going Through a Difficult Time

Are you navigating a difficult transition or loss in your personal or professional life? Do you feel overwhelmed by your responsibilities? A coach can create a safe space and the support you need to experience and shift your emotional state.

Creating Forward Momentum

Is there something you want to do or feel called to do but you aren’t making progress? A coach can help you discover what is holding you back, move through your fears and resistance, and a move toward a new vision for your life.

Figuring Out What's Next

Are you feeling stuck? Not satisfied with your current situation but unsure what you need or want? A coach can help you discover what calls to you and how to craft a doable plan to accomplish your goals now and in the future.

Poem of the Moment.

“Hope” is the thing with feathers 

“Hope” is the thing with feathers –
That perches in the soul –
And sings the tune without the words –
And never stops – at all –
And sweetest – in the Gale – is heard –
And sore must be the storm –
That could abash the little Bird
That kept so many warm –
I’ve heard it in the chillest land –
And on the strangest Sea –
Yet – never – in Extremity,
It asked a crumb – of me.

The Four Cornerstones
of My Coaching


Mind + Body + Heart

Your potential is unleashed when you learn to sense into and integrate the wisdom in your body, mind and heart.  We all tend to have a “go-to” strength – trusting our “gut” or “thinking through problems” or “listening to our heart”.  Learning how to tune into and harness all the ways you make sense of the world enables you to move more deliberately toward your goals and trust your whole self.


The Power of Small

Sometimes the enormity of what is in front of you is overwhelming.  Small changes have a huge impact.  Seeing things from a slightly different perspectives and practicing new behaviors for a few minutes a day can fundamentally shift what you see as possible, increase your awareness of what excites you or what drains you and increase your ability to enjoy your life.


Each of Us is Infinitely Unique

Have you ever wondered why something that others have found amazingly helpful in changing their habits or mindset seems to do nothing for you?  Each of us is a singular being – like a snowflake.  Your history, your struggles, your relationships, your journey, your entire story has made you YOU.    What works for one person may have no impact on another.  Coaching is tailored specifically for you, encompassing all of who you are and your specific aspirations. 


Developing Not Fixing

There is nothing wrong with you.  Nothing needs to be fixed.  You have developed ways of being, behaviors and internal voices that have helped you survive and even thrive.  If they are no longer helping you, you can develop new ones and learn to say “thank you, but not now” to the voices that hold you back.   There is no need to be ashamed of them.  Coaching can help you appreciate all of yourself AND learn to focus on what makes you stronger and more resilient.


Leadership Development

If you have recently taken on a new leadership role, are seeking a promotion, wanting to become a more effective leader in your current role, or are trying to figure out how to respond to feedback from your team or manager, you probably need to develop new leadership capabilities. Coaching can help.

Your journey to becoming the leader you envision yourself being and the leader your organization needs is singularly yours. We will build on your existing strengths, increase your confidence and help you learn how to continually strengthen your leadership skills, so you are someone people want to follow.

Personal Development

Personal coaching is as unique as you are, which is why it can be so transformational. Our work will be tailored to you - who you are now and what you would like to be different. We could focus on relationships, strengthening your sense of purpose, shifting your communication style, your relationship to power and money, why you sometimes hold yourself back or self-sabotage.

Our goal is to enable you to see yourself from a different perspective and learn how to fuel your own growth so you can meet life's challenges and experience more satisfaction, contentment, and expansiveness.

Team Development

Effective and cohesive teams are key to an organization's success. Team coaching helps hone individual and group emotional intelligence, communication, and trust.

I will help team members gain a deeper understanding of themselves, others and team dynamics and provide support and feedback as the team practices operating differently. Team coaching can dramatically accelerate organizational success and individual satisfaction by creating a culture of collaboration, inclusivity and mutual accountability.

How It Works

Initial Conversation

The first step is a no-risk, no-obligation conversation.  I learn a bit more about you and what brings you to coaching.  You learn more about me and how I approach coaching.  Then we decide if we want to work together.  Coaching requires trust and resonance.   If I’m not the right coach for you, I’m happy to make some referrals if that would be helpful.  

Coaching Design and Committment

Based on our initial conversation, I will develop a proposal uniquely designed to meet your needs, including measurable outcomes.  Then we discuss and adjust.   Coaching is an iterative process.  It is critical that the plan resonate with you.  Then we commit to working with each other for a period – a few weeks to a few months.  Change takes time and it is rarely a linear path.  Often, we learn the most from what we resist doing.  It is important to be committed to working through that together.

Equitable Access & Fees

People are often concerned about the cost of coaching.  I want to do what I can to ensure individuals have the support they need to accomplish wonderful things in the world.  Economics should not be a barrier.

I ask clients to pay whatever feels fair and doable for them and/or their organization.  We will discuss this when we decide to work together.  Paying something, even a small amount, tends to increase clients’ commitment and helps them see they are worthy of investment. 

Start your journey with Kaye now


Kaye is truly a gift to her clients and to those of us who are privileged to walk beside her as fellow coaches. She brings compassion, empathy, and a deep ethic of care to this work. One of her most exceptional assets as a coach is her keen insight - she can quickly see through to the heart of a matter, incisively articulate the truth as she sees it, and support others to see the world through a fresh lens.
Karen M.

I was in a moment of extreme life change.  I found myself in new surroundings, not sure of myself, and not really comfortable with most people.  Kaye showed both compassion for where I was and patience as I moved into a new life.  She genuinely cared and worked hard to find what would work for me.

Cindi W.

about Kaye.

I am dedicated to helping individuals and mission-focused organizations discover and live into to their full potential. 

My background is in systems change, with an MBA from the University of Wisconsin and a Master’s Degree from the University of Michigan.

I believe deeply in the power and potential of people.  I spent most of my career helping organizations pivot, grow and transform, coaching leaders and helping them create organizations where people could thrive professionally.  Over time, I realized my passion was around helping individuals, not just leaders, rediscover their own sense of worthiness, power and freedom.   

My journey   Despite many external markers of success, I spent much of my life feeling undeserving, isolated, ashamed and stuck.   For years, I tried to think or effort my way out.  I tried to create distance from parts of me I didn’t like.  None of which fundamentally changed my sense of ease or belonging in the world.  

It was only when I started to feel into and listen to my body and trust my heart and gut that I started to truly shift.  I was able to be with the scars and pain inside, let go of the shame, and rewrite the deeply ingrained stories I told been myself about how I “had” to be.

My ability to love, remain patient (most of the time), listen with empathy all grew.  I found new and deeper connections, a sense of purpose and far more joy and laughter in my life.

I am forever grateful to everyone who has helped and continued to help me on my journey of growth.

Certified Integral Coach, New Ventures West

Power of Embodied Transformation, Coaches Rising     

Art of Developmental Coaching, Coaches Rising 

Neuroscience of Change, Coaches Rising

Member, International Coaching Federation

Kaye's Contemplations

"It's not where your dreams take you, it's where you take you dreams." Maya Angelou

A place to share things that.....

Move me
Inspire me
Fuel my personal growth
Make me laugh or cry
Shift my perspective

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I send out a newsletter every couple of months to share resources that may be helpful to people on their development journey.  Feel free to subscribe even if you are not a current client. I will not use your email for marketing or any other purpose than to drop the occasional collection of thoughts and news.